Hello Sunshine, hello Sonnenglas Mini!
The cutest and cleverest sun glass of all time is here. The SONNENGLAS Mini stands for maximum progress in minimum space. And best of all, we were able to create 15 new jobs in Johannesburg for its production.
It has been an exciting year for us at Sonnenglas. Because we set ourselves a very special goal for 2019. We spent the whole year tinkering and working. And the result is something really big. Even if you can't tell from our latest solar lantern - the SUNNENGLAS Mini - at first glance. We started its production in South Africa in November 2018.
But the SONNENGLAS Mini is not just a new product for us. For its production, we were able to find the perfect solution in our Fair Trade Manufactory in Johannesburg Creating 15 new jobs for people from the townships in Johannesburg. We are particularly proud of this. The SONNENGLAS Mini - like the large SONNENGLAS - is lovingly made by hand. And there is also a lot of great technology in the little one.
These are the most important features for you at a glance:
Intelligent & Efficient
As soon as the surroundings are bright enough, the SONNENGLAS Mini switches off automatically. This conserves its battery and saves energy. The SONNENGLAS Mini is also more powerful thanks to the latest rechargeable battery technology and now lights up for a whole 20 hours on a full charge.
Sun-hungry & Robust
Even with little sunlight, you can get the most out of your SONNENGLAS Mini. The SONNENGLAS Mini contains the most efficient solar cells currently available. They guarantee that it can soak up a lot of sun even with few hours of sunlight. Incidentally, the surface of the solar cells in the SONNENGLAS Mini are coated with a specially developed high-tech coating so that they remain as flawless as on the first day.
The SONNENGLAS Mini is only a quarter of the size of the well-known SONNENGLAS Classic. However, its performance is in no way inferior to that of the larger model. This is made possible by the latest generation of solar cells.
The technology in the solar module is also optimally protected thanks to a new transparent polycarbonate visor. Twice screwed together, it is simply indestructible. The material is particularly stable, scratch-resistant and just as transparent as glass. The visor is also waterproof.
More than Fairtrade...
There is a very special story behind SONNENGLAS and many wonderful people who produce it with dedication and passion in Johannesburg. If you would like to find out more about our team in South Africa, click on the portraits on Yvonne and Maxwell, who have been with us since the beginning.
Autor: Daniel Hufeisen