Delivery directly from Switzerland

Ecologically Shining for a Greener World

Our Commitment to Climate Protection

Our Eco Impact

Using Solar Energy to Create a Clean Light Source

kg of CO² are released during the production, recycling of one Sonnenglas® included. This is roughly equivalent to the production of 250g of butter.
full charge cycles is the life of our battery. That's 8,000 hours of light, which is 333 days (24 hours per day) that means almost 1 year of light on continuously.
out of 5 parts that make up our Sonnenglas® (magnet, bracket, handle, glass lantern, solar panel) can be replaced in a modular way in case of damage. Our product design is crafted for durability and waste prevention.
kg CO² are released during use. For comparison: a candle burns 39 grams of CO² per hour.
hour of light can be converted from one hour of sunlight with the help of a Sonnenglas®.
photovoltaic panels from our own solar system supply us with 40 kW of electricity. This means we are completely self-sufficient and our production is climate-neutral.

Modular System

Replace. Reduce. Reuse.

Upgrade & Repurpose

More than Recycling